Call us by name you big baby. Cmonnnn you know its damned exciting finally having a reason to band you and your um... constituency under a common enemy. And don't delude yourself, in the time it would take you to organize and rebuild a mall, that would just galvanize and sic our zombie horde on you and your supposed stalwart ... goons if I may be so apropos.
So man up admit that we are a force to be taken seriously and/or feared.
Call us by name you big baby. Cmonnnn you know its damned exciting finally having a reason to band you and your um... constituency under a common enemy. And don't delude yourself, in the time it would take you to organize and rebuild a mall, that would just galvanize and sic our zombie horde on you and your supposed stalwart ... goons if I may be so apropos.
So man up admit that we are a force to be taken seriously and/or feared.
It's hilarious to see pathetic survivors like him throw childish tantrums or act like a bunch of passive aggressive drama queens.
It's why we do what we do.
Who cares if junior doesn't want to face the boogeyman? We'll just continue to wreck their shit and laugh about it.
*loads shotgun*
*drinks beer*
Yo /b/ where is the best spot to hide weed in a car?
Seriously guys, th guy makes an awesome and entertaining post, keep snideness down.
Nice work Uncle, Once again, the Mighty Ackland Mall is back up on it's feet, Only 7 Survivors in there including me ^^. Keep up the good work!
Standing Survivors : 11189 (37%)
Standing Zombies : 18326 (63%)
Malls are meaningless, death is inevitable.
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