Monday, December 24, 2007

Episode 17 - Merry Christmas


Most Famous David said...

I, too, look back at that man from 2,000 years ago, and remember that, even now, people are signing about Brian. A babe they called "Brian".

Unknown said...

Hah! I knew it! I was just telling my squad mates a few days ago you would be sleeping in Floyde Staduim. I guess I'll stop by and say 'Hi'.

Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Zeddie. I'm new in Malton and listen to you're brodcast every week. You often what keeps me going. Merry Christmas to you too.

I plan to come up and say it in person though, see you tommorow!

lonelygirl15 said...

Cool songs Uncle Zeddie! They actually made it feel like Christmas here in the quarantine zone! Merry Christmas!

koreimis said...

Thanks from DK13 for investigating, or at least from me. And thanks much for the songs! Merry Christmas!

Zombiehunter_eky said...

Thanks Uncle Zeddie! Before the outbreaks I was Station in Schofield Barracks HI. Reminded me of Special time and better times. Wolfhounds no fear on earth. May your Christmas be merry and your new year bright!

Classix said...

^^ jez... took you guys long enuf to figure out that DK13 was Redrum, (dur... 2 + 2 = Fish!><>) and they say us people killers are slow... Truth be told, I wasnt even in on this escapade :)

Merry chrismas Zeddie, I wanted to vist ya but... I had other things to do that day. Mabe I'll meet ya some other time, not goin hunt for ya, but if i spot ya your goin be my #1 target (over the real trenchy and the 1 hpers)

Will Nolte said...

I had Seekandyeshallfind PK me then run like a little bitch before the big bash came through. Red Rum cleared out before the zeds got em, unlike them I'm actually brave enough to stick around and help clean up PH.

DK13...I knew it wasn't you guys a while back, and I do apologize if I did kill one of your guys. If any of your guys aren't busy I do request that if you can help clean up Penny Heights, please do. The Lumberjacks and I are doing what we can.