Monday, June 23, 2008

Episode 40 - The Triumphant (If Belated) Return

This week's episode is finally up. I blame Blogger for the delay.


malp said...

Very existential. Even more so than when you pretended to be actor in baltimore playing yourself.

malp said...

Never mind. I said the episode was existential because you hadn't linked to the video yet. If I had known there was an actual episode coming, I woulda bit my tongue. Thank you for the hard work Uncle Zeddie.

Benjamin Owens said...

Keen stuffs here... I'll have to spray a url somewhere, probably end up next to "a crude joke about yo momma".

Revenant said...

Mr Corsair, you are likely unaware of this, but one of the points you eluded was mine — in fact, I understand that we missed each other by mere hours at the FEZ do.

While I was was unwilling to call you away from the bloody business of survival during the Days of the Dead, and was until recently somewhat tied up with other matters, with the current state of Malton I believe that no longer applies.

Accordingly, I wish to remind you that we are due to meet on the field of honour. I shall endeavour to contact you by more private means. Should should you wish to contact me, please feel free to lodge a message with the club, and I or my secretary should be able to respond to your query.

I hope to see you soon, on the other side of crossed blades.
—His Grace the Duke of D'oeuvre

Unknown said...

Chicka chika what? GLOBETROTTERS!!! chicka oh ohhh yeahhhhh

robotsinmyhead said...

Well 'Trotters, we're famous. The off-season is gonna be chock full of the finest tail and cheap likker that Malton has to offer.

You earned it, go hog wild!

The Malton Globetrotters, sponsored by Pop Tarts - CRAZY GOOD!